
Phase 1 Report Overview

“Salt Lake County is struggling with having to re-arrest people for not showing up to a court appearance or to court-ordered treatment. That is expensive, inefficient and—most of all—doesn’t help address the reason behind the original arrest. We’re excited to work with Code for America to find the right technological tool that people can use to avoid being re-arrested. That should help ease overcrowding at the jail and help put individuals on a more constructive path.” - Mayor Ben McAdams, Salt Lake County

Code for America is partnering with Salt Lake County to build technology solutions to improve services and strengthen the relationship between the county and its citizens, with an aim to lower the rate at which citizens fail to appear (FTA) in court, supervision and treatment appointments, in addition to lowering the recidivism rate.

Use the left navigation options to view the full report’s contents here or use visit the Interactive Report Explorer site to view a condensed walk through of our work and jump straight into the data visualization tools we have built to explore our early analyses results.


Phase 1 Project Repositories

View them all on the Team Salt Lake County 2016 Github Organization.