An early user of ClientComm demonstrating their workflow during an observation session.
Background on Metrics Development
Metrics have been central to development decisions on Team Salt Lake County's projects during this Fellowship. The core measure, particularly early on during each independent project's start was use. Use is a broad measure, naturally, but frequent and sustained attendance (e.g. visitation) to a website or application was deemed fundamental to legitimating continued development efforts.
With each endeavor, the team focused first on identifying a singular functionality that was desired by our users and could move us closer toward identified solution opportunties. This core function would be implemented in its most rudimentary form and deployed. Use of that function was then measured. For example, if a button was desired, a button was deployed. The number of times this button was used (e.g. clicked) would indicate it's success or failure in addressing a need.
Sustained use played a key secondary role in determining if a project warranted continued investment. In order to give the rudimentary tool a chance, early efforts were also made to promote the tool. Promotion typically took the form of pamphlets, emails from supervisors, and an announcement. In the case of JailRegister, for example, this included an announcement by the Sheriff himself, as well as news coverage by a local paper. Again, investments were limited early on. Returning to the JailRegister example, a mere 2.5 day development sprint was invested, combined with 2 hour-long meetings.
Through just this level of investment, we were able to deploy the tool and, thanks to the quick turn-around time, were able to command and maintain the attention of key leadership within the County Jail system. Thanks to this, the tool was unveiled within the week and announced at a joint police chiefs' monthly meeting. Within days, hundreds were logging on to the tool, successfully addressing an immediate need resulting from newly implemented jail booking restrictions. However, its use was time bound. Limited sustained use in the period following the implementation of booking restrictions did not warrant continued development.