ClientComm was not the only tool we have been developing, nor has our work occurred in a "linear" manner. Rather, multiple concurrent Learn, Build, Measure trajectories were present at any given moment over the first half of this fellowship. Learning most often predicated most other activities as our time spent in Salt Lake County would expose us to either opportunities or unknown pain points. Such opportunities presented themselves often in time sensitive ways. If we encountered a problem that a certain organization was dealing with, we focused on speed and delivery to build a tool that addressed that issue and would deliver it within a short time frame - sometimes as few as 2 days.
By engaging in such targeted and speedy delivery, we were able to also begin measuring our results nearly immediately. Positive engagements would not only substantiate near-immediate validation or dismissal of our hypothesis, but it would also provide us with hard evidence to frame future discussions. If the tool was successful, then future discussions would thus be predicated not on garnering buy in, but rather discussing why it should cease development given the positive initial findings.