Early Performance Summary
The number of clients closed out during this initial period is quite low. While ClientComm has a total client list of roughly 280 clients at present, only 38 were closed out as of the beginning of June. The reason for this is quite simple. Clients in Probation typically spend a substantial number of time - many months - under supervision. As a case managers have typically incorporated ClientComm into the onboarding process for case managers with new clients, the gestation period for close outs will likely exceed the length of our residency. The same situation is present with those in drug court and therapy. Engagements can last significant periods of time. As a result, while a large and ever-growing number of clients are being onboarded to these tools every day, none from these areas are being closed out.
Of the clients being closed out, all were from Pretrial. One statistic provided by Criminal Justice Services estimates 90 days as average duration of a client's tenure in Pretrial services. Essentially, this was the amount of time the client was asked to remain compliant with Pretrial services, up to the court date (that would be assigned at some point during the process). While there are edge cases, this is roughly the process. Again, because ClientComm is so young, we only have a small portion of the clients that were onboarded during Pretrial services closed out. Furthermore, of the clients who are closed out, the population is naturally dispositioned towards unsuccessful pretrial closeouts as successful clients will "last" longer in the CJS system (and, thus, ClientComm).