ClientComm Blog

Features of ClientComm

View Messages

  • To view messages from the “Clients” Page click on a client’s name.
  • All messages with a client can be viewed by clicking the “all” tab. Messages from specific communication types can be viewed by clicking on a specific communication type (text, email, voice).
  • Messages are organized by conversation (just like an email) and can be viewed by conversation subject or as the full message history (like text messages) by clicking “on and “off” on the subject tab.

Send Messages

  • If you are already in a conversation, clicking on the blue bottom box will open the messaging panel where you can enter your text.
    • Choose a communication method from the dropdown list of all communication methods entered for that client.
    • “Smart Select” determines the method from the time of sending based off a combination automatically selects the communication method used most recent and most frequently received from that client. That has the highest likelihood of being received.
    • Choose “send now” to send the message immediately. Choose “send later” to select a time in the future to send the message.

Messaging Page
  • To send a new message in a new conversation, select “new message” from the row of navigation on the upper right of the page.
    • At the top of the page are a few message options; select “Send Voice Message” button to record and send a voice message and select “Load template” to reuse messages from pre-created templates.
    • If you are do not choose a subject for your conversation, one will be automatically generated that says “New Conversation on (date entered)” with the date of the conversation. If you send a message to an email, the subject will appear as the email subject. If you are sending a message as an text, the subject will not be shown in the sent text.
    • [PENDING FEATURE] After writing your message, clicking “Save as template” will allow you to reuse that text in future messages and can be accessed from the template page.
    • Choose “send now” to send the message immediately. Choose “send later” to select a time in the future to send the message.

Communication Types Supported
  • ClientComm supports sending text or voice messages to sms enabled phones or email addresses.

Voice Message

  • This series of cards will guide you through the steps required to create a voice message to be sent.
  • Select “Send Voice Message” button to record and send a voice message.
  • The first step will be to tell ClientComm what number to call you at. When you pick up the phone, you will be prompted to leave a message. This is the message that you will be sent to the target client. Your personal number will not be saved.


  • Select the “new notification” button from the top right of the “clients” page. Choose the client and time your message will be sent.
  • On the next screen create your message and hit submit.
  • The message can be viewed and edited from the “Notifications pending” page up until the time it is sent. Then the message will be shown on the “Notifications sent” page as a record.


  • Templates can be accessed from multiple places.
  • From the “New Message” page after selecting “Create new conversation,” select “Load template” to reuse messages from pre-created templates.
  • From the client’s “Messages” page select “Load template.” Choose a message on the “select template” page. Click “select template” button to load a pre-created message.
  • To edit a template,select the “edit” button from the “Template” page. From the “edit template” page you can edit the subject and/ or message and click the “submit” button to save your edit.

Color tags

  • Color tags allow you to group your clients by color. When you have a large number of clients on your caseload and want to quickly locate a number of similar clients, identifying them by different colors can be useful.
  • From the “Clients” Page, click on the oval to the left of a client’s name. Choose a color tag to apply to your client on the “Update Client Color”page or select “manage colors” to create a new color group or edit a pre-existing color tag.
  • Click “Submit” to save your selection.


  • Groups are useful to use when you want to send the same message to multiple clients. Note: clients who respond to a group message can only reply directly to you and not the others in the group.
  • On the upper right of the “Clients” page, select “New Group” from the navigation row to create a new group.
  • From the “create group” page enter a group name and select the clients you want to include in the group.
  • Select “edit group” to add/remove someone from a group.
  • To send a message to a group from the “Groups” page, select the message icon from the left of the group name.
  • Enter a subject (optional) and message and click “send group message.”For each of your clients, ClientComm will use “smart select” to choose the best contact method to reach them by.

Managing communication methods

  • The more contact methods you have for your client on ClientComm, the more likely you are to stay in communication with them in times of crisis or if they lose a phone.
  • To add a new contact for a client, click the “new contact method” button. (create contact method page).
  • On the “Create Contact Method” page start by giving the contact information an easily memorable title, select the type of method from the drop down list and finally enter the details for that contact method.
  • To edit the contact choose the “edit” button from the “clients page.”

Edit profile

  • To edit your profile, click the settings icon in the top right of the page next to the logout icon.
  • On the settings page, you can set an away message that automatically is sent in response to any message you receive while you are out of the office. This way your clients know why they are not receiving a quick response and you tell them who to contact while you are away.
  • You can also set the how frequent to get alerts indicating that you have new unread messages from your clients.

Manage Client Profile

  • To view details on a client in your caseload, click on the clients tab in the second row of the top navigation on the screen.
  • To edit the client, once in that view click on the cog wheel to the left of their name. Alternatively, when viewing all clients there is also an edit icon you can click on the row of the client, to the right, that represents a pencil. Clicking that will also send you to the edit view for the client.

Transfer Client Profile

  • By clicking on the “transfer” button a client’s contact methods and conversation history including upcoming notifications can be transferred to a new case manager.
  • Primary users (case managers and therapists) can transfer a client within their own. Department. Supervisors, Support staff and Assessment Case Managers can transfer across departments.

Departmental contact methods

  • ClientComm version 4 has different numbers for each department. This allows a case manager and a therapist to both message their client from different numbers.
  • Emails are sent from individual accounts in the format:
    • For example, if your email was, your ClientComm email address would be

Unknown numbers

  • When a client sends a message from a phone that is not associated with their ClientComm account it goes to the “Unclaimed” page.
  • To have their new number attached to their client profile on your caseload, click the “Claim” button.

Who can send messages?

  • Primary Users—case managers and therapists with individual client caseloads. Case managers and therapists can have overlapping clients but do not have message overlap because ClientComm V4 has a number for therapists to use that is distinct from the case manager number.
  • Support Staff— Front office staff can messages to any client waiting to be assigned a case manager.
  • Supervisors —Can send messages to all clients within a department which is useful to remind them about office closures and other important announcements.